Rejuvenation of the Neck (Neck 101)
Neck rejuvenation "comes in many sizes". For some, a simple course of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is all that is necessary to remove age spots. More aggressive topical lasers can reduce worsened pigmentation and wrinkles, as can a variety of chemical peels. LifeSculpt, our newest laser addition, can improve neck contour when loose skin accompanies extra fat in the neck. For those necks that need more, a "Neck Lift" can be performed. Neck lifts are known as "Cervicoplasties". A "Direct" Cervicoplasty simply removes the excess tissue from the central neck (the infamous "Neck Waddle" or "Turkey Neck") by cutting it out and closing directly, though this leaves a midline scar that really hides best in the male bearded skin. A "Full" Cervicoplasty leaves all scarring behind the ears, so scars are covered by hair and seldom seen. This procedure does require general anesthesia and still takes some time to fully recover from, but gives a nice neck tightening with minimal visible scarring. However, it cannot be done alone if the patient has large jowls, for then the jowls hang down on the tightened neck and the procedure doesn't give the improvement the patient needs. For the patient with jowls, a full Facelift must be performed. The Cervicoplasty is part of a routine Facelift.